Hannah Stahl being honored at the Westminster Dog Show in 2016. With her are Sean McCarthy (left), President of the Westminster Kennel Club, and David Kratz (center), President of the New York Academy of Art.

Hannah Stahl being honored at the Westminster Dog Show in 2016. With her are Sean McCarthy (left), President of the Westminster Kennel Club, and David Kratz (center), President of the New York Academy of Art.

“The subtle but dramatic lighting renders a technique indicative of Rembrandt.”
New England Monthly

“In unique fashion, she can capture the life and personality of dogs—like few others are able…”
SOCO Magazine

"I could not be more pleased. The portrait has a tremendous amount of character.  Hard to keep a tear out of my eye."  
Commissioning client, USA

"[The dog] appears ready to burst through the artwork’s boundaries."
Vanderbilt Magazine

"It's AMAZING. I want you to know that you've somehow completely captured her entire personality—I don't know how you do this without knowing the dog personally. It's really incredible."
Commissioning client, UK